
Location: Pulp 2 TestsTestspulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_updateinfo

Test the updateinfo.xml files published by Pulp’s yum distributor.

The purpose of an updateinfo.xml file is to document the errata (i.e. maintenance patches) provided by a repository. For an overview of the structure and contents of such a file, see openSUSE:Standards Rpm Metadata UpdateInfo. Beware that yum and dnf do not adhere to the openSUSE standards. We link to their standard anyway because it’s easier to understand than yum or dnf’s source code. (!)

One discrepancy is in the schema for the <pkglist> element. According to the yum source code, it has the following structure:

<!ELEMENT pkglist (collection+)>
<!ELEMENT collection (name?, package+)>
    <!ATTLIST collection short CDATA #IMPLIED>
    <!ATTLIST collection name CDATA #IMPLIED>

Here’s a concrete example of what that might look like:

    <collection name="…" short="…">

yum (and, therefore, dnf) allows a <collection> element to have “name” and “short” attributes. openSUSE does not.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_updateinfo.CleanUpTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

Test whether old updateinfo.xml files are cleaned up.

Do the following:

  1. Create, populate and publish a repository. Verify that an updateinfo.xml file is present and can be downloaded.
  2. Add an additional content unit to the repository, and publish it again. Verify that the updateinfo.xml file created by the first publish is no longer available, and that a new updateinfo.xml file is available.

This procedure targets Pulp #2096. Note that the second publish must be an incremental publish.


Return the path to the updateinfo.xml file.

classmethod setUpClass()

Create and sync a repository.

classmethod tearDownClass()

Remove the created repository and any orphans.


Populate and publish the repository.


Add an additional content unit and publish the repository again.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_updateinfo.DateUpdateErrataTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

Verify whether only proper newer erratas with same ID gets updated.

This test targets the following issue:

This test covers the three scenarios:

  1. The errata is updated if updated date field indicates that the uploaded errata is newer.
  2. The errata is not updated if updated date field indicates that the uploaded errata is older.
  3. The errata is not updated if updated date field of either the existing errata or the newly uploaded errata is in the wrong format (task will fail in this case).

Upload errata, and parse updateinfo.xml.

This does the following:

  1. Change the date of the errata and upload it to the repo.
  2. Publish the repo after uploading errata.
  3. Parse the updateinfo.xml and return the uploaded errata.
classmethod setUpClass()

Create class-wide variables.

classmethod tearDownClass()

Clean resources.


Update errata using a valid date. See:meth:do_test.


Update errata using a valid older date. See:meth:do_test.


Create errata using a newer valid date. See:meth:do_test.


Attempt to upload an errata with an invalid date.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_updateinfo.ErratumMultipleRepositoriesTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

Verify errata packages appearing in more than one repository.

Verify that Pulp will return the correct ‘pkglist’ if an erratum exists in multiple repositories and user syncs multiple of these repositories.

Note: Missing RPMs in erratum pkglist when an erratum appears in multiple repositories caused wrong applicability calculation.

This test targets the following issues:


Verify errata packages appearing in more than one repository.

Do the following:

  1. Sync 2 different repositories with same errata name, but different pkglist.
  2. Search for the errata name.
  3. Assert that RPMS present in both repositories will be returned if an erratum exists in multiple repositories.
class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_updateinfo.OpenSuseErrataTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

Test Pulp’s handling of openSUSE errata.

Do the following:

  1. Create, sync and publish a repository. Let its feed URL reference pulp_2_tests.constants.OPENSUSE_FEED_URL. Also, let it have an “on demand” download policy, so that time isn’t spent syncing a potentially large amount of data.
  2. Download the published errata, and make it available to the remaining test methods.

This test targets:


This test is extremely slow, due to the heavy single-threaded workload incurred by parsing a large production-grade repository’s metadata.

classmethod setUpClass()

Create class-wide variables.


Create, sync, and publish an openSUSE repository.


Assert relogin_suggested element are present.


Assert restart_suggested element are present.


Assert ‘date’ attributes are formatted as seconds since epoch.

For each element matching XPath /updates/update/issued, verify that its date attribute looks like seconds since the epoch.


Assert <updated> elements are absent.

Assert that no elements match XPath /updates/update/updated.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_updateinfo.PkglistsTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

Sync a repository whose updateinfo file has multiple pkglist sections.

This test case targets Pulp #2227.


Sync a repo whose updateinfo file has multiple pkglist sections.

Specifically, do the following:

  1. Create, sync and publish an RPM repository whose feed is set to pulp_2_tests.constants.RPM_PKGLISTS_UPDATEINFO_FEED_URL.
  2. Fetch and parse the published repository’s updateinfo.xml file.

Verify that the updateinfo.xml file has three packages whose <filename> elements have the following text:

  • penguin-0.9.1-1.noarch.rpm
  • shark-0.1-1.noarch.rpm
  • walrus-5.21-1.noarch.rpm

Note that Pulp is free to change the structure of a source repository at will. For example, the source repository has three <collection> elements, the published repository can have one, two or three <collection> elements. Assertions are not made about these details.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_updateinfo.UpdateInfoTestCase(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pulp_smash.pulp2.utils.BaseAPITestCase

Tests to ensure updateinfo.xml can be created and is valid.

classmethod setUpClass()

Create, populate and publish a repository.

More specifically, do the following:

  1. Create an RPM repository with a distributor.
  2. Populate the repository with an RPM and two errata, where one erratum references the RPM, and the other does not.
  3. Publish the repository Fetch and parse its updateinfo.xml file.

Assert the erratum generated by Pulp is correct.

Walk through each top-level element of the erratum which was generated during this test case’s set-up and uploaded to Pulp. For each element, verify that the updateinfo.xml file generated by Pulp has a corresponding entry. Each of the verify_* methods on this test case implement the test logic for a single element.


Assert only one task is spawned per erratum upload.


Assert the update info tree does not suggest a spurious reboot.

The errata uploaded by this test case do not suggest that a reboot be applied. As a result, the relevant <update> element in the updateinfo.xml file should not have a <reboot_suggested> tag. Verify that this is so. See Pulp #2032.


In previous versions of Pulp, if no reboot should be applied, a <reboot_suggested>False</reboot_suggested> element would be present. See Pulp #1782.


Assert each task’s result success flag (if present) is true.

This test assumes test_one_task_per_import() passes.


Assert each task’s state is “finished”.

This test assumes test_one_task_per_import() passes.


Assert there is one “update” element in updateinfo.xml.


Assert updateinfo.xml has a root element named updates.

verify_description(erratum, update_element)

Verify erratum and update_element have same description.

verify_id(erratum, update_element)

Verify erratum and update_element have the same id.

verify_issued(erratum, update_element)

Verify erratum and update_element have the same issued.

verify_pkglist(erratum, update_element)

Verify erratum and update_element have the same pkglist.

verify_references(erratum, update_element)

Verify erratum and update_element have same references.

verify_solution(erratum, update_element)

Verify erratum and update_element have the same solution.

verify_status(erratum, update_element)

Verify erratum and update_element have the same status.

verify_title(erratum, update_element)

Verify erratum and update_element have the same title.

verify_type(erratum, update_element)

Verify erratum and update_element have the same type.

verify_version(erratum, update_element)

Verify erratum and update_element have the same version.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_updateinfo.UpdateRepoTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

Verify updateinfo.xml changes as its repo changes.

classmethod setUpClass()

Create an RPM repository with a feed and distributor.

classmethod tearDownClass()

Clean resources.


Sync and publish the repository.

When executed, this test method will fetch updateinfo.xml and verify that:

  • An <update> with an <id> of pulp_2_tests.constants.RPM_ERRATUM_ID is present, and
  • one of its child <package> elements has a “name” attribute equal to pulp_2_tests.constants.RPM_ERRATUM_RPM_NAME.

Unassociate a content unit and publish the repository.

Fetch updateinfo.xml. Verify that an <update> with an <id> of pulp_2_tests.constants.RPM_ERRATUM_ID is not present.


Possibly skip the tests in this module.

Skip tests if Pulp #2277 affects us.

pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_updateinfo.skip_if(func, var_name, result, *, exc=<class 'unittest.case.SkipTest'>)

Optionally skip a test method, based on a condition.

This decorator checks to see if func(getattr(self, var_name)) equals result. If so, an exception of type exc is raised. Otherwise, nothing happens, and the decorated test method continues as normal. Here’s an example of how to use this method:

>>> import unittest
>>> from pulp_smash.selectors import skip_if
>>> class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
...     @classmethod
...     def setUpClass(cls):
...         cls.my_var = False
...     @skip_if(bool, 'my_var', False, unittest.SkipTest)
...     def test_01_skips(self):
...         pass
...     def test_02_runs(self):
...         type(self).my_var = True
...     @skip_if(bool, 'my_var', False, unittest.SkipTest)
...     def test_03_runs(self):
...         pass

If the same exception should be passed each time this method is called, consider using functools.partial:

>>> from functools import partial
>>> from unittest import SkipTest
>>> from pulp_smash.selectors import skip_if
>>> unittest_skip_if = partial(skip_if, exc=SkipTest)
  • var_name – A valid variable name.
  • result – A value to compare to func(getattr(self, var_name)).
  • exc – A class to instantiate and raise as an exception. Its constructor must accept one string argument.