
Location: Pulp 2 TestsInstallation

There are several different ways to install Python packages, and Pulp 2 Tests supports some of the most common methods. For example, an end user interested in testing a Pulp 2 application might want to install Pulp 2 tests into a virtualenv:

python3 -m venv ~/.venvs/pulp-2-tests
source ~/.venvs/pulp-2-tests/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install git+
pulp-smash settings create  # declare information about Pulp
# Run the tests using unittest or use the test runner of your preference.
python3 -m unittest discover pulp_2_tests.tests

For an explanation of key concepts and more installation strategies, see Installing Python Modules. For an explanation of virtualenvs, see Virtual Environments and Packages.

In addition to the dependencies listed in, install OpenSSH if testing is to be performed against a remote host. [1]

[1]This hard dependency is a design bug in Pulp Smash. It would be better to require _an_ SSH implementation, whether provided by OpenSSH, Paramiko, Dropbear, or something else.