
Location: Pulp 2 TestsTestspulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_crud

Tests that CRUD RPM repositories.

For information on repository CRUD operations, see Creation, Deletion and Configuration.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_crud.CrudTestCase(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pulp_smash.pulp2.utils.BaseAPICrudTestCase

CRUD a minimal RPM repository.

static create_body()

Return a dict for creating a repository.

static update_body()

Return a dict for updating a repository.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_crud.CrudWithFeedTestCase(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_crud.CrudTestCase

CRUD an RPM repository with a feed URL.

static create_body()

Return a dict for creating a repository.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_crud.FeedURLUnquoteTestCase(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pulp_smash.pulp2.utils.BaseAPITestCase

Check that feed URLs are unquoted.

See https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2520.


Ensure Pulp unquote feed URLs.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_crud.LastUnitAddedTestCase(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pulp_smash.pulp2.utils.BaseAPITestCase

Tests for ensuring proper last_unit_added behavior.


Perform common set-up tasks.


Check if copying units into a repo updates last_unit_added.

Do the following:

  1. Create a repository with a feed and sync it.
  2. Create a second repository. Assert the second repository’s last_unit_added attribute is null.
  3. Copy a content unit from first repository to the second. Assert the second repository’s last_unit_added attribute is non-null.
  4. Publish the second repository. Assert its last_unit_added attribute is non-null.

Check if syncing a repo updates last_unit_added.

Do the following:

  1. Create a repository with a feed.
  2. Assert the repository’s last_unit_added attribute is null.
  3. Sync the repository.
  4. Assert the repository’s last_unit_added attribute is non-null.
class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_crud.NonExistentRepoTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

Perform actions on non-existent repositories.

This test targets Pulp Smash #157.


Set variables used by each test case.


Delete a non-existent repository.


Update a non-existent repository.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_crud.PulpDistributionTestCase(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pulp_smash.pulp2.utils.BaseAPITestCase

Check if a feed with PULP_DISTRIBUTION.xml syncs properly.

See https://pulp.plan.io/issues/1086


Check for content synced from a feed with PULP_DISTRIBUTION.xml.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_crud.RPMDistributorTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

RPM distributor tests.


Check if RPM distributor can receive null checksum_type.

See: https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2134.

class pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_crud.RepositoryGroupCrudTestCase(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pulp_smash.pulp2.utils.BaseAPITestCase

CRUD a minimal RPM repositories’ groups.

For information on repositories’ groups CRUD operations, see Creation, Delete, and Update <http://docs.pulpproject.org/en/latest/dev-guide/integration/rest-api/repo/groups/cud.html>

classmethod setUpClass()

Create, update, read and delete a repository group.


Assert the created repository group has all requested attributes.

Walk through each of the attributes present on the create body and verify the attribute is present in the repository group.


Assert the repo group update response has the requested changes.


Assert each response has a correct status code.


Assert the repo group update response has the requested changes.